It’s been a while. 👋🏼

Yeah, so we had a baby. Mom’s doing great. The kids are loving the new addition. I’m slinging diapers… and untangling Common Table Expressions during nap times.

New Podcast Episode: Do you need a Use of Proceeds (when raising money)?

We talk about what to say (and not say) when raising money, more layoffs and a couple of my challenges with Beacon.

Grab it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts or Google Podcasts -- and let me know what you think! 🙏🏼


Know any MySQL / MariaDB experts?

I’ll spare you the gory details… but the (current) tragedy of Beacon is that there‘s tons of data that no one can see.

Some of that is because I’ve been in dad-mode for the last few days. But most of it is because of slow queries knocking over my database server.

Some examples that you’d see if the front-end was working… trending topics across podcasts for the past 7 days:

  • Coolio ⬆️ 5,900%
  • Nord Stream ⬆️ 2,100%
  • Music NFTs ⬆️ 1,650%

Know anyone that has enough experience to point me in the right direction? Happy to pay for their time, of course. (Bonus points if any of the following resonate with them: Vue/Quasar, Sequelize, Linode, NodeJS, Express…)

In the meantime, I hope you’ll consider signing up for the Beacon weekly newsletter. It’ll start going out next Friday… assuming I sort out this database issue. And the kiddos stick to their naps. 😅


That’s it for now, have a great weekend.


Hey, I'm Paul Singh. 👋🏻

I run Results Junkies. We invest our own capital into ~200 new companies across North America each year. I write about growing your startup, career and/or business... everywhere else. Join 1,000,000+ other Results Junkies now.

Read more from Hey, I'm Paul Singh. 👋🏻

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