new side project, new podcast episode and (please) roast my landing page 👀

Hey. Happy Friday. 👋🏻

New Podcast Episode: What if it was easy to search podcast content?

We talk about podcasts and the lack of discoverability. Will this "bottom of the funnel" tool ever move up the funnel? I've been working on a side project to find trending topics across podcast categories, search podcast transcripts and set alerts for specific keywords. (Screenshot below...) 

Grab it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts or Google Podcasts -- and let me know what you think! 🙏🏼


Back in 2008, I hung around on Hacker News quite often. That same year, I decided I wanted to learn Ruby on Rails... and that I'd launch one new project every month for a year.

The bad news is that I only did it for ten months.

The good news is that I learned Ruby on Rails... and two of the ten projects generated some pretty decent revenue for me.

The great news is that those ten projects connected me with other HN members that were doing interesting things too. And that's how my angel investing career started: I started writing checks to other people that had made better versions of the things I was building. 😅

So... maybe it's time to do something similar in 2022?


I could use some advice. What would you change on this homepage? Give me the good, bad and ugly (please).

The goal here is to capture emails for a daily (...or weekly?) email on trending topics across podcast categories.

Once signed up, the recipient can optionally change their preferences (eg, "show me everything" vs "I only want to see the Business and Parenting categories.")

Anyway, I'll share a link to it soon. It's still a bit rough around the edges... but, if you're reading this far down the email, maybe you won't mind? 😅

Here's the full page screenshot:

Again, I'd love to hear any thoughts you might have about the page -- the good, the bad and the ugly. You won't hurt my feelings. Just hit reply (please)... 🙏🏼

Have a great weekend -- and Happy Independence Day (in the US)! Enjoy the long weekend.


PS -- and yes, I'll be adding a ton more podcasts soon. I've limited the initial dataset to keep things moving along... there's hundreds of thousands of additional podcasts ready to add to the system. With hundreds of millions of additional hours of audio... the utility of this thing gets much more interesting. 🤯

Hey, I'm Paul Singh. 👋🏻

I run Results Junkies. We invest our own capital into ~200 new companies across North America each year. I write about growing your startup, career and/or business... everywhere else. Join 1,000,000+ other Results Junkies now.

Read more from Hey, I'm Paul Singh. 👋🏻

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