Your thoughts (from last week) on monetization. πŸ’°

I still haven't fixed the drywall I broke last week but, hey, you're not here for that sort of thing. πŸ˜…

​New Podcast Episode: Under the hood of Beacon and who wins when Twitter sues Elon?​

Ed and I are on the struggle bus this week. He's fighting his email server and I'm rewriting the Beacon backend. These are truly days nobody misses.

We talk a bit about question that every entrepreneur faces: how do I monetize Beacon?

Grab it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify Podcasts or Google Podcasts -- and let me know what you think! πŸ™πŸΌ


Your thoughts on monetization. πŸ‘€

A ton of you replied to last week's email with ideas. (I'm still reading through them, lots of great stuff in there.) A couple of interesting snippets:

"Beacon for SDR and BDR teams. They're always trying to find content for prospecting emails to send to company execs and high-level leaders. CheetahIQ built and exited a subscription for sales teams in this space, but focused on content from 10-K's / SEC filings. Call it $30/rep/month, that's 100 teams of 10 BDR's β€” $30K MRR." --Nate

"Target brand marketers. Help them identify popular podcasts that often touch on topics they care about. " --Osman

"The quickest thing to do is add a button for a Premium Listing and a button for Beacon Signals (or some other name) and see who opts in for either one. Pre-sell your first $10K MRR. With FB and Adwords getting crushed, sponsorship might be faster." --David

It's that last one that I keep coming back to from time to time this week. Sponsorships feel like low-hanging fruit and I've been prototyping something I'm calling Beacon Alerts (think: Google Alerts... but inside podcast transcripts.)

If any other ideas pop into your head, hit reply and let me know. It's a race to $30K MRR, y'all.


Beacon update: New Backend. Better Podcast Transcripts. And Search.

I'll be honest: I haven't fixed a single bug on the front-end this week. Sorry guys.

These past few days have been a complete rewrite of the backend system to crawl, transcribe, interpret podcasts in order to extract the topics they discuss.

TLDR: more transcripts mean more topics for you to search to your heart's delight. 🀌🏼

The system is starting to do it's magic today and, with a little luck, you'll start to see the results on the public front-end sometime next week.

If you know anyone else that might be interested in Beacon, will you please pass the link on to them? πŸ™πŸΌ


That’s it for now, have a great weekend. I’ll be over here cranking out some code and watching YouTube videos on drywall repair while the transcription engines are cranking. πŸ˜…


Hey, I'm Paul Singh. πŸ‘‹πŸ»

I run Results Junkies. We invest our own capital into ~200 new companies across North America each year. I write about growing your startup, career and/or business... everywhere else. Join 1,000,000+ other Results Junkies now.

Read more from Hey, I'm Paul Singh. πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Happy Friday (from a coffee shop in balmy Sioux Falls, SD this morning)! Ed and I spent some time at a local pitch event last night, it's been a good reminder that, for the most part, access to capital isn't the problem. The thing about money is that it accelerates what's already happening. You spent 80% of the meeting talking about all your features? I have a prettttyyyyy good idea on what you'll spend 100% of the investment on. 😬 Between the macroeconomy and the rise of entrepreneurship...

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Happy Friday! On my mind this week: most entrepreneurs fear the wrong thing. Growth is fun. Failure sucks. But the absolute worst thing that can happen is being stuck in something that's not-quite-growing-but-not-quite-dead. "We haven't monetized this yet but I've been working on this for almost a year! I'm gonna figure this out." 🚩🚩🚩 This is true for investors too: the worst case scenario is having your money tied up in a company that's not-quite-growing-but-not-quite-dead. (PSA: we write...